Sunday, April 4, 2010


From our childhood, all would have been inspired by one or many leaders. I was just thinking who is the best leader. This seems to be a very simple question., but every one will have their own impression. For Indians, it is Mahatma, for South Africans it is Mandela, for tamilians - Anna, Karunanidhi etc etc., similarly for castes, each caste have their own leaders. Then how to select the best leader.
I was deliberating in to this. One point which striked me is talent sometimes takes a back seat in this. If we compare Mahatma with any local leaders, perhaps talent wise local leaders might be even better than him. In Tamilnadu, we have Ramadoss, Karunanithi etc, Similarly Mayawathi, Laloo. These leaders talent wise may be even better than Mahatma. However Ramadoss limited his circle only to his caste - so may be he could not grow beyond his caste. Similarly Karunanithi has limited his area to the level of only Tamilians - so they could not excel beyond that. On the contrary, if Mahatma limit his activities to his house, perhaps he would have been the best leader for his family, had he chosen Gujarat, may be he would have been famous within Gujarat - He has chosen India - so he has become the Nation's leader. Along with nation, he has also spread his thoughts to Humanity - so he defers from Normal National leaders and considered as Mahatma - "Great Soul". Perhaps may be if he has spread his thoughts to entire humanity or still further like for all living beings, he would have been a leader like Christ or so.
Any opinion on this??

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